We all heard of the saying less is more. But we don’t live by it when it comes to clothes. We buy when there’s a sale going on, when we feel like shopping, when we’re bored, or when we got dumped. The truth is that few of us even wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. How many of us stay in front of the closet every morning and wonder what to wear? If you’re motivated to organize and stay organized, and to have a perfect wardrobe, be prepared to toss out a lot of clothes.
I learned an effective way to do this is to plan a perfect wardrobe from scratch. Never mind what you already have. Pretend that you have zero item and want to build a perfect wardrobe. What would your ideal wardrobe be? Look online and check out the latest fashion on the high end retailers stores such as Bloomingdales and Nordstrom. I’m not saying that you have to buy, you’re only going to study. Then once you know the latest fashion you can come up with your own personal style. Write down the items you would like to have.
Then take a weekend and place all your clothes on the bed and see which ones are the closest to your ideal. Then leave out your old, outdated, discolored, and no longer fit items in a single donation pile. Keep in mind, you’re building a perfect wardrobe that you truly want. Not something you will settle. At the end, cross the ones that you already own on your piece of paper and find out what’s missing. You can gradually purchase the missing items one at a time. This way, when you feel like shopping again, you know what you’re looking for. Also if there’s a sales going on, you know what you need.